Wednesday, April 13, 2005

I am now posting an entry to the blog.

This is a blog entry! About things. Things that are important. These things could change your life. Like maybe in a positive way. Or maybe not. Maybe you could end up with Downs syndrome or a melanoma or something. That would be bad. And bad things are totally uncool.

Here's something I was thinking about. Other people have blogs. Other people write interesting stuff in their blogs like what is happening up in their own life and such as their trials and tribulations and other assorted things worth viewing. I, on the other hand, post semi-lucid drivel that appears to have been written by an eight year old mental patient who is chained to a wall and stapled to a monkey (plus they have attached the mouse to his hand so he will not steal it because he is insane!!! [and it is common knowledge that insane people are constantly stealing computer equipment]). Like, dude. That whole thing about the Easter Bunny? Whoa. I think I was possessed by the spirits of four dead high schoolers or something. That was freaky. Oh, P.S. I have tons of pictures I need to post but I have this and that and these and those all going on at once right now so it's just going to have to wait and please stop sending me emails about the pictures, okay, grandma (and also I did not appreciate the e-card you sent me that was full of expletives and I know it was you that slipped that big drawing of a me getting hit by a bus underneath my door last week)? Another thing, weekly Monday guitar tabs bit it this week (let's face it we all knew it was going to happen), so I'll be dealing with that shortly. In other news, I am considering drilling a small hole in my skull to release the pressure building up therein. And babies rock so let's all have those. If you can't have one just go buy one from some lady who is desperate for a fix and cannot afford that baby anyway, kind sir. Or you could just run into the nursery and grab one and run, screaming things such as, "HAHAHAHAHA!!!" or, "Finders keepers!!!" That would be fun until everyone took it the wrong way and did not realize it was a joke. You could even get shot by the authorities. The authorities are ruthless in tracking down baby farmers. So maybe just wear a shirt that says on the back "Dear Security Guard/Policeman, it is okay dude I am just playing with you," so that they will know it is cool when they're chasing you and then you sneakily make your getaway. Just make sure you take off that shirt or they'll find you for sure. No, I will not sell you one of those shirts, that is against the law. DISCLAIMER: You cannot sue me if you try to steal a baby we all know I was joking. Do not use your one phone call to assault me verbally or I will be forced to go all Newton's Third on you and block your number and your incoming IMs, etc (I'm serious, Mark, leave me alone I will get a restraining order against you and then you are mad effed P.S. if you ever want to see your high dollar stereo equipment again you will shut your mouth about me). Also I will not be a witness in your case for fifty dollars and try to clear you that is just ridiculous so don't even think about it (because the minimum I would accept is seventy five). Another thing that I think all of us have realized by now is that Regis Philbin is such an awesome dude.

Guitar Tab of the Week: Jaws Theme Swimming by Brand New


Blogger Ciberblade said... yeah, glad we got that all worked out.

4:25 PM  

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