Tuesday, March 15, 2005

The new The Mars Volta

So I am listening to the new The Mars Volta, and the new The Mars Volta is stroking my ear drums delicately. The new The Mars Volta is treating the auditory receptors in my brain just the way they like to be treated. The new The Mars Volta is rocking my planet and additional planets up to and including the universe. Here is my new uber-review of the new The Mars Volta: buy the new The Mars Volta or I sha'n't call you ever again. The new The Mars Volta is good. The new The Mars Volta is better than good. The new The Mars Volta is great and grand and trespasses unregretfully on sacred burial ground. The new The Mars Volta is just that awesome. The new The Mars Volta is titled Frances the Mute. The new The Mars Volta. The new The Mars Volta. The new The Mars Volta.


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