Thursday, March 10, 2005

Here are some dreams that I've had recently.

1. I live in a small apartment with my dad and my fake brother who does not exist. My fake brother has Down Syndrome. I am okay with that. Our apartment is apparently built into a shopping mall, because when I go out the front door, I am suddenly rollerblading at high speeds through crowds of shoppers (I would like to note that I have never donned inline skates in real life. Is that odd?). I am on my way to my job at a store which is apparently named Krog (???).
In retrospect, I am wondering if this store deals in general caveman supply. Not that it matters, because the work day goes by in a blur. Back to the important stuff.
Now I'm on the way home. New mode of transportation: skateboard. I am wearing a stupid helmet that I hate. I feel like I'm 13. The mall is empty and creepy. I do not slip and break any bones. I arrive at the apartment.
Dream Dad is mean and sarcastic, which is basically the total and complete opposite of Real Life Dad, who is so incredibly, insanely nice that if you so much as cough in his presence he will buy you a new car and pay your medical bills until you die. Dream Dad basically hates and resents DownSyn Bro and makes that very clear. Who is not having that? Me. So while we fight, Bro goes into the back room and arranges his mint condition NES games alphabetically in to three separate stacks by genre. Dad catches me with a left hook and turns into a monster. I magically pull a handgun out of nowhere but can't actually take the shot, because dude, that is my fricking dad over there, mmmkay?

2. I am in space. Space is cold. There is a beautiful, blazing white star just out of my reach. I cannot breathe. I am dying.


3. Zombies are in the house. I am trying to wake up because everyone I love is somewhere in the house and I am in the very back room of the house and the zombies are in the living room and they are dragging themselves along the floor because for some reason they are half-zombies with no legs to speak of and my GOD they are moving at the most agonizingly slow pace, inching towards the hallways where the bedrooms in which everyone is sleeping are located, hungry for brains and intestines. I am paralyzed. I am trying to wake up. I am trying to scream. I cannot move. I am trying to wake up.


4. I am a scientist. I am about to discover the cure for cancer. At the last moment, just as I am perfecting the synthesis of the two previously unknown elements which are involved in said cure, a large chimpanzee drops from the ceiling and clings to my head for dear life. Beakers full of valuable, unrecoverable substances crash to the floor as I flail wildly, legs and arms akimbo.


Other stuff:

I beat Silent Hill 3. Dude. That is just...wrong. When she ate that thing? Ick. *shudder* This is me recommending the Silent Hill series to everybody and their siblings.

New slang phrases I've decided to invent, meanings to be interpreted by the individual user (use amongst your friends):
"Juicin' it, hoes!"
"That is the stone cold hotness."
"You ain't berang, Flang."
"That jazzrabbit is stank on a flown sandwich."
"Sally is givin' it the slow rotor."
"Y'all drop the spainch at it."


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