Tuesday, April 19, 2005

And the sheep and the lion will lie together and they will create a baby and it will be known as a shlion.

DISCLAIMER: This post is not going to be in any way coherent. Ah thank you.

I have some things that need to get up off of my chest today and dammit it if you folks aren't going to take the brunt of it!


Haha! And such.

Anyways, I'm in this strange mood where I am equal parts tired and flustered and frustrated and mildly amused and anxious and bleeding profusely, a.k.a. schizophren ee uh. Here's something that pisses me off: if you are my coworker, do not come up with a "project" you would like for me to do. Seriously. What in the dogg is freaking up with that my friends? He comes over all, "So here's something you could do." While he's busily doing mostly a whole lot of browsing the internet and such as emailing his wife. What is up with that, you wet wick. You are worse than a whore who raises all of her female children to also be whores. You do not decide what I am doing at this moment or ever. The next time this seems like a good idea to you then you should know that the business end of my ballpoint pen is going to become acquainted with your earhole. And I do not mean that in a kind way. Basically I am threatening to permanently deafen you. Then you will not be so smart and punky with me and I will spend most of my work days just laughing at you and shouting into your stupid dead ear. Another thing that might happen is I could go all Jack Bauer on you and just quit this stupid, worthless job and all wait in the parking lot to break your fingers. I bet you would not give any more coworkers assignments that you have designed for them because everyone hates you. I think that if everyone on the planet voted on how much they liked you, you would be really depressed because the results would come back and you would know that like 114% of the world hates your face right off. Even babies hate you. P.S. I am not doing your project. So why don't you take your little legal pad back and stick it in your eyeball. Another thing that is funny is that you are standing behind me while I'm writing most of this and you're too damn stupid to figure out what is going on.

I have to go for now because it's almost 5:00 and I'm getting the flock out this bizznaitch. As you can tell, my work ethic is nigh unto effing legendary.

Closing note: Jade Empire? INCREDIBILIA!!!


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